LynchLetter |
LynchLetter #5, March 27, 2000
Hello, everybody.
First of all I want to apologize that it took me so long to send out the new issue of the LynchLetter. Unfortunately I had to neglect The City of Absurdity and this newsletter a bit. I'm currently in the middle of my exams for a master's degree at the University of Freiburg. I'm also in the process of moving from Freiburg/Germany to Philadelphia, PA (yes, the "most sick, twisted, fear-ridden, decaying place in the world" ;-) Again I want to thank you all for the interest. I never expected so much feedback. I'm sorry that I can't answer all your requests and questions -- there are just way to many emails in my inbox every day. But I read them all and it's very much appreciated. All your hints and suggestions help me to improve the site. Thank you.
II. Dumbland the new Lynch project David Lynch announced last Wednesday at the Yahoo Internet Life Online Film Festival a new project: he's going to make cartoons for the Internet. Lynch will create a series for, called "Dumbland", an absurd look at dysfunctional characters in an urban environment. He said "it's like an experiment. It's very exciting." Lynch said, "it's very dumb, and it's very bad quality. It's going to be very crude, but sophisticatedly crude." The series will be a collection of jewel-like fragments not unlike the modularity of "Twin Peaks." He said that one of the appealing things about the Internet would be that it embraces that approach. "It's like, chunks of funk is the Net right now. Maybe I just think that way. Fragments can be very mysterious." He added that "if something doesn't work you can switch very rapidly." Lynch won't build in a lot of interactivity or audience decisions, though. He said "you want a story to go a certain way. That's part of the beauty of storytelling" When asked what genre the series might fit into Lynch answered, "Everything."
It's not clear yet if visitors will have to pay to see Lynch's work. Lynch said he expected his approach to be a hodgepodge. "I'm finding my way." he said. And although he's willing to make some things available for free, he'll have to find a way to be compensated for the time spent developing a new series. Lynch will try to do all the work on "Dumbland" himself from his home in Los Angeles. He expects to do about 15 three-minute-long episodes, with the first to appear around June. You can read the whole article at:
III. What else is new?
IV. What happened to Mike Dunn's LynchNet? I still receive frequently emails as to what happened to Mike Dunn's website. Here's a little note he wrote before he closed down his wonderful site:
"Hi all,
It is with much sadness and after a lot of consideration that I must report that LynchNet will be closing at the end of the year. I've given it a lot of thought, but in the end I just can't justify spending the money to run the site. It costs me $350 a month to run LynchNet.
I might put up a limited version of the site (most of the text minus pictures) at Also, I have moved the Discussion board to mikedunn/wwwboard.sht so the Lynch (and other) discussion can continue freely.
Don't forget, coming in 2000 will be which will feature original content from the man himself. Also, be sure to check out the lynchnet links page while you still can for a host of other good Lynch sites out there on the web.
Mike Dunn
V. Oh, I almost forgot...
"It all started for me in Philadelphia because it's old enough, and it's got enough things in the air to really work on itself. It's decaying but it's fantastically beautiful, filled with violence, hate and filth."